
Our goal is to create a campus 和 a community for decades to come 和 a physical environment that embodies the dreams 和 ambitions of our students. We are doing this by fostering new cross-University collaborations as well as through exciting connections between the University, 周边社区, 以及在工业和研究领域的前沿关系.


The University has begun a robust program of renovations 和 new construction that will revolutionize the central campus 和 enrich our community in countless ways.

"This program of renovations 和 new construction is re-envisioning the campus to reflect the entire student experience —one built into 教室, 住房, 以及社交空间, 以及大学社区成员的方式, 客人, 游客们在校园里来来往往,校长兼首席执行官史蒂夫·卡普兰说.




这44,000平方英尺, 三层楼的建筑将容纳工程和科学实验室, 3D可视化技术套件, 协作教室, 以及通讯工作室, 电影, 及传媒研究学系. 一个高耸的、光线充足的中庭将作为一个小型的学生会.



The 彼得森表演中心 (PPC) will totally transform the way our students train 和 will provide all of our student athletes with the best weight lifting 和 rehab equipment available in what will be one of the top training facilities in the Northeast. In addition, the construction of the PPC will open up much needed space within the Jeffery P. 哈泽尔体育中心 (前充电器体育馆) 为每项运动建设新的球队更衣室.



我们的停车项目正在重新设计,以提高容量和效率. We will be rerouting both short-term 和 long-term parking in order to ensure campus safety, 我们将加强我们的班车服务.



教室, laboratories 和 clinical space are being constructed at the former One Care Lane facility located at the south edge of campus. 作为分阶段翻新的一部分,000平方英尺的建筑物, 大学建立了新的病房模拟实验室, 帕拉医学, 放血, 以及职业治疗实验室以及所有的教学和支持空间. 第二阶段最近已经开始,包括添加语音, 营养和营养学以及医学科学实验室. Future plans include additional clinical spaces in support of the 卫生科学学院.



我们也在对多兹大厅进行重大升级, 包括整修我们的生物实验室, as well as renovations to our residence halls 和 athletics facilities that will enrich the experience for our student-athletes 和 our fans.


在过去十年中, the 网赌上分平台 has invested more than $250 million in new construction, 改善基础设施, 和 curricular additions to enhance 和 enrich our students’ 教育al experience. Take an inside look at some of the University’s signature facilities that are designed to create unparalleled learning opportunities for our students.





哈贝尔公司位于康涅狄格州奥兰治市的前总部.现在是网赌上分平台的标志性校园 研究生业务 教育. 位于威尔伯十字公园大道附近, the campus’s all-business atmosphere offers a distraction-free setting 和 a plethora of corporate amenities. 它占地47英亩,树木繁茂,占地面积超过7万平方英尺. 它是……的家园 行政工商管理硕士工商管理硕士 课程,以及大学的 体育管理硕士学位. 该设施拥有最先进的技术, 教室, 会议室, 和 a cafeteria that are all designed to reflect the atmosphere of working boardrooms of leading corporations.

亨利·C. 李法医研究所

亨利·C. 李法医研究所

以著名法医科学家Dr. 亨利·C. Lee, the 李研究所’s ultra-modern facility, located in Gehring 大厅, opened in 2010. It is a contemporary teaching, research, 和 training facility for students studying 法医科学, 刑事司法, 国家安全,以及相关领域. 它以犯罪现场模拟中心为特色, 高科技法医室, 危机管理中心, 三个教室, 还有一个法医学习中心. It also includes the latest in virtual instruction 和 touch screen technology to bring in-depth information regarding various areas of 法医科学 to students 和 professionals from around the world.



大学的托斯卡纳校区位于一个完全翻新的, 位于普拉托最美丽的社区广场之一的一座16世纪的修道院, a archetypal Italian city brimming with medieval European architecture 和 colorful piazzas. 未受旅游业破坏,传统浓厚, 普拉托距离佛罗伦萨只有20分钟的火车车程, 被许多人认为是世界艺术之都. Many local institutions 和 local firms – from biscuit makers 和 the mayor to the radio stations 和 the local music academy – enthusiastically offer students opportunities for firsth和 experiences 和 collaboration. The campus is less than two hours from Rome 和 only one hour from Tuscany’s beautiful beaches.



网赌上分平台最先进的广播演播室, 控制室, 编辑套件, 2017年开业, 是新装修的Communication的一部分 & 媒体中心, 一个繁忙的媒体活动中心, where our students get to experience the communications industry in action – both in front of the camera 和 behind the scenes.

一组, featuring industry-grade lighting 和 the latest in permanent 和 portable digital equipment, 作为 纽黑文新闻社 狐狸61, offering students a chance to be active participants in the process of news gathering 和 news production.

大卫. 贝克曼娱乐中心

大卫. 贝克曼娱乐中心

大卫A. 贝克曼娱乐中心是一个综合性的56,500 square-foot athletic building featuring fitness studios 和 a fitness center; racquetball courts, 硬木活动篮球场, 排球, 地面/旱冰曲棍球, 和 badminton; a jogging track; 和 locker rooms. 中心, 2008年开业, is used by a majority of the undergraduate 和 graduate student body 和 welcomed its one millionth visitor in 2016.



2014年8月开业, 90年,000平方英尺的西区大厅是该大学最新的学生宿舍. It includes a 250-seat dining room (和 outdoor dining space) featuring made-to-order gourmet food, 带壁炉的公共休息室, 音乐练习室, 和2,300平方英尺的教室. The upper three floors feature "pods" of rooms centered on common living-learning spaces. A portion of Westside sits atop a 70-space indoor parking garage topped with artificial turf 和 live plantings. 该建筑获得了leed银级认证.


约瑟夫E. “小鸡”塞伦塔诺大厅

网赌上分平台的第一个“绿色”宿舍, Celentano大厅, 2009年开业, 这所大学最大的学生宿舍是什么. 长岛海峡和纽黑文市中心的全景尽收眼底, 它的特色是带两间浴室的四人或六人公寓, 一个厨房, 和居住面积, 都有中央空调. 每层楼都有一间带52英寸平板电视的公共休息室. In 2014, Celentano 大厅配备了该大学的第一个太阳能系统, 它产生的能量足够12个家庭使用. 该建筑获得了leed金级认证.

撒母耳年代. Bergami小. 大厅

撒母耳年代. Bergami小. 大厅

Opened in 2004, Bergami 大厅 is a suite-style residence hall for first-year 和 sophomore students. Each suite offers two oversized bedrooms joined together by a bathroom for six students, 每层楼都有三个公共休息室. It also features a WoW Café (World of Wings), a S和ella’s s和wich shop, 和 a Dunkin’ Donuts. 它俯瞰Zolad体育场, making the residence hall rooms an ideal spot to watch Division II soccer 和 lacrosse, 俱乐部体育比赛.

拉尔夫F. DellaCamera体育场

拉尔夫F. DellaCamera体育场

Officially dedicated in 2009 upon the return of the University’s football program following a five-year hiatus, DellaCamera体育场 features a visually stunning blue 和 gold sprinturf 和 a seating capacity of 4,500. 它是充电器橄榄球和曲棍球项目的所在地.



位于网赌上分平台校园的中心, 凯西·佐拉德体育场 is the home of the Chargers men's 和 women's soccer teams 和 the women's lacrosse team, 以及俱乐部运动和各种户外娱乐活动. 它的特点是一个草坪球场,一个新闻发布厅,可容纳400人. 该设施收到了1美元.在2007年秋季之前升级了300万, 露天看台和记者包厢在2010年秋季之前被增加.
